The Rapture Gathering

The material below is even more
clearly stated in this PDF format:
The Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering Chronology

Concerning FASCINATING days ahead …

Short and to the point: This web page highlights specific
events listed on our “Biblical Synthesis” page – showing
our CURRENT (as of January of this year) cultural setting.
This is our Where We Are on the Prophetic Calendar page.

[ Click Here for our FAQ site, a site bringing most helpful
clarification concerning details about the end time view
called The Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering. ]

For helpful insight as to additional information RE:
End Times Today, Click Here. For helpful insight as to
what is soon to take place – End Times Tomorrow
Click Here.

On to the focus of this important web information:

We came down to two options for this page.
1. Highlight each specific event only AFTER it occurs
(that is, post the event on this page after the
event takes place)
2. Post each event NOW with the understanding site
visitors will carefully read the titles for each event
highlighted on the PDF pages (the links entered
immediately under the specific event). In this
option, the [[ highlights ]] (below) indicate
the proximity of the events to our PRESENT DAY
while the PDF documents below the event entry
outline additional prophetic details once the
specific featured event occurs

We’ve decided to post all the highlighted events NOW
so that, 1) it’s evidentially clear the Bible offers True
insight on future things and so that, 2) readers can
better understand what is coming next by way of Bible
prophecy fulfillment. In other words, we’ve decided to
go with the second option. Please read the titles and
the [[ highlight ]] notations carefully.

These documents especially highlight events of Daniel’s
70th Week while also going on to include important New
Testament prophetic events. As of January, 2025, here’s
what’s coming [ Note: The following will change as time
progresses given the nature of this beast – that is, as events
unfold, chart information changes ] …

A Covenant Is Made | Confirmed
The Making | Confirming of the Daniel 9 Covenant
[[ SOON ]]

[ To assure we are clear, the entry immediately above means
this: Once the Covenant is made and/or confirmed, “The
Making | Confirming of the Daniel 9 Covenant
” URL (link)
offers accurate data about that current cultural setting. The
[[ highlight ]] entry represents just how close we are to the event
highlighted – in this case, it’s the “soon”-to-come event of the
making or confirming of the Daniel 9 Covenant. ]

Regular Sacrifice Is Taken Away
The Taking Away of the Daily Offering
[[ SOON ]]
though cessation effects will continue

Increased Persecution Of God’s People
The Global “War Against the Saints”
[[ SOON ]]

[ Please recall: There is a period of just over three-
and-a-half years between the taking away and the
setting up of the Abomination of Desolation – note
Daniel 12:11’s “1,290 days.” ]

Warning: Do NOT take the soon-coming mark as it
will affect the state of YOUR eternal existence.

The Abomination Of Desolation Occurs
The Setting Up of the Abomination of Desolation
[[ FUTURE ]]

A Period Of GREAT Tribulation Unfolds
The “Great Tribulation”
[[ FUTURE ]]

Spectacular Heavenly Signs Take Place
Glorious, Fear-Inducing Astronomical Signs
[[ FUTURE ]]

Christ’s Initial Appearing Occurs
Jesus Christ’s Initial Appearing in the Sky
[[ FUTURE ]]

The Trumpets Begin To Sound
The Revelation 8 – 11 Trumpet Blasts
[[ FUTURE ]]

The “Thunders” Of Revelation 10
God’s ‘Mysteries’ are Awesome!
[[ FUTURE ]]

The LORD Jesus Christ Raptures His People
The Global Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering
[[ FUTURE ]]

God’s Bowls Of Wrath Are Now Delivered
The Bowls of God’s Wrath are Poured Out
[[ FUTURE ]]

Christ Returns To The Earth
The Second Advent of Jesus Christ
[[ FUTURE ]]

Following the Bowls of Wrath, Jesus Christ will
descend to the earth for the Battle of Armageddon
and His Millennial Reign – see Revelation 19.

For additional clarity, another way to express
the above (on one page) can be found here:
Please share this with family and friends!

Some of our other insightful web resources include: &

Our Social Media site is:

See the PDF titled
“The Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering Chronology”
above for “contact us” information.

2007 – 2025 Copyright by Jon Swanson
Please visit